MRK Velocity Video

Behind the scenes proof-of-concept for MRK version of KCW™technica Velocity. More about MRK-Velocity here:  

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KCW™technica - MRK 3 Vehicle Mount

Latest & Greatest 6/14/2015

Been busy in the lab lately on the Velocity (free & motorized vehicle mount) project, will update with photos and videos soon. For all back orders, please check your inbox, if you do not reply, we will begin shipping your Generation 1 orders within the next week.  Due date for Generation 2 updates is estimated […]

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Hijacked, Spoofed, Porn

THERE IS NO PORN TO SEE HERE and BLUEHOST SUCKS. We have recently noticed a spike of traffic, using serious pornographic keywords, coming from  It is owned by Henry Balogun located in London and hosted by Bluehost. After a quick scan, we noticed: 1) Strategyhouseltd hijacked our metadata and hotlinked our site. 2) The […]

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Lens Adapters, Visits, Modifications, Piracy, Generation 2.

“Does your adapter work with xxxx lens on xxxx camera?”  “Do I need to modify my camera?”  “Is the picture clear?  Can you clarify?”  “What about new lenses?”  “What about vintage lenses?”  “What about what xxx says?  “I really want your adapter and not a cheap one on eBay, I’ve got $100, take it or […]

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